Oh the love I have for essential oils. I could sing their praises all day... but I won't, what I will do is tell you my 5 favourite ones and why you need them in your home!
1. Lavender
There is a good reason that Lavender is on this list as it contains so many healing, healthful properties.
It is antiviral, antiseptic, soothing, calming to the nerves and smells wonderful.
I would say if there is only one essential oil that you would buy make it this one.
Great for many skin conditions, bug bites, (sun) burns, inflammation and infection as well as for muscle aches and pains.
Lavender oil is one of the few that is considered safe to use undiluted - but in my opinion you should only do this if you have a bug bite, or a burn and want to apply directly to the skin, otherwise it's good to mix with oils.
Read more about its uses here: http://www.essentialoils.co.za/essential-oils/lavender.htm
2. Tea Tree Oil
My second choice for the best oils is one of the most powerful antibacterial oils out there. Great for wounds, infections, acne, as well as an anti-fungal. Can be used undiluted but only for more serious issues, like fungal infections or wounds. Tea tree oil is great as a mouth-wash or toothpaste (DIY mouthwash is simply made with 1/2 cup distilled water, 1Tbsp baking soda, 4 drops tea tree oil, mix
it all up and swish around your mouth) make sure you do not swallow tea tree oil as it should not be ingested!
Read more about its uses here: http://www.essentialoils.co.za/essential-oils/tea-tree.htm
3. Lemon
So refreshing and uplifting, it is no wonder that lemon (as well as other citrus) makes you happy and energized. Great for when you need a bit of a pick-me-up during the day - place a few drops of the oil on a handkerchief and inhale, you are sure to feel refreshed and energized. Great for headaches and migraines, when combined with peppermint oil, it makes a great headache relief balm. Great for adding into a cleaning regimen as well, with its antibacterial, antiseptic qualities it is of a great benefit for keeping the home clean.
One warning about lemon oil (as with most other citrus) it is photo-toxic, meaning that it will make your skin more sensitive to sunburn. Make sure if you use anything that has lemon oil in it, that you do so at night or you are covering the area exposed.
Read more about its uses here: http://www.essentialoils.co.za/essential-oils/lemon.htm
4. Peppermint
Cooling, refreshing and reminiscent of candy canes, peppermint oil has a myriad of beneficial properties. The analgesic properties make it great for pain relief, especially for headaches or migraines.
Great for muscle aches, pains as well as for easing congestion and coughs when ill with a cold or sinus problems.
Read more about its uses here: http://www.essentialoils.co.za/essential-oils/peppermint.htm
5. Rosemary
Not only great on meats and veggies, this essential oil can help with mental clarity and memory!
Has great benefits for the hair and scalp. Mix a few drops into your shampoo and it may help keep lice away! Use as a hair oil - mix 10 drops into 1/2 cup of avocado oil and massage into hair, keep on for a few hours and then wash out, will strengthen your hair as well as help with hair growth. Wonderful in creams as it promotes circulation.
Read more about its uses here: http://www.essentialoils.co.za/essential-oils/rosemary.htm
Always remember to dilute your essential oils with a carrier oil (coconut oil, almond oil, olive oil, avocado oil, or any other oil you have.) to about 5% which means you have 1ml of carrier oil you will add 1 drop of the essential oil. This is a good guide line for most people, but for kids, pregnant/nursing women or elderly you may want to dilute it more - especially with kids and while pregnant/nursing, do take care and read up on oils that are safe for kids and those that are not! Read more about kids and essential oils here: http://www.abundanthealth4u.com/Essential_Oils_Care_for_Babies_and_Children_s/40.htm
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