November 2, 2012

DIY counter and produce sanitizer

The best product to sanitize and clean

With all the pesticides, E-Coli and various other things affecting our daily life, it's good to know that we can protect ourselves easily by using one simple (well ok maybe two) product.

~ W H I T E  V I N E G A R ~

Yes, that's all you need to wash and disinfect your counters, kitchen surfaces and wash your produce! How simple is that and oh yeah C H E A P !! (come on we all love a deal!)
So here is my recipe for a counter sanitizer... feel free to modify it to suit your needs!

Use a medium sized spray bottle (just so you don't have to keep making more and more!)
Use an equal amount of vinegar and water 1:1 ratio is good

Counter Sanitizer
1 cup Vinegar
1 cup Water
10-15 drops of  Tea Tree oil
10 drops of Lemon Essential oil

and that's it...spray on your counters, let it sit for a few minutes and then wipe dry. See simple!!
You can use any essential oil you like but Tea Tree oil and lemon have anti-septic properties but you
can add lavender, or orange oils both are good as well for sanitizing!

Produce Sanitizer
Once again use a medium sized spray bottle
and fill it with the 1:1 ratio of vinegar and water ...that's it.

Spray your fruit and veggies with this, let it sit for a few minutes then rinse with water.

I also read that if you spray your strawberries with this and wash and dry them well, they will last
much longer, as it will kill any bacteria on it that will make it moldy.

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